During and following a divorce, how to share custody of your children becomes a major topic of discussion. You and your former spouse have to decide how to split time with your kids.
Every family has outside influences that affect day-to-day life. When creating a time-sharing plan, you have to consider those influences.
Children’s ages and developmental needs
To maintain a strong bond, younger children need more frequent contact with both parents. However, older children may have other social commitments and preferences that you should consider. Older children may want more of a say in where they stay. Additionally, if your children have special needs, you must consider how alternating schedules or other plans could affect their quality of life.
Parents’ ability to cooperate
Studies reveal that when one parent, specifically the father, has a negative reaction to co-parenting, the child has more trouble adjusting. Parental cooperation creates a foundation for a healthy joint custody situation. When parents cooperate with each other to prioritize their children’s best interests, the children learn that not only do their parents still put them first, but also how important working together can be. Try to meet your former spouse on neutral ground to discuss your time-sharing plan. Bring your concerns to the table, but also be an active listener. You and your spouse may need to compromise.
When creating a time-sharing plan, consider your flexibility. Emergencies and unexpected events happen in life and all time-sharing plans should consider the known factors and unknown factors.