Social media during divorce

On Behalf of | Nov 15, 2018 | Divorce |

The use of social media is more than common, it’s second nature to most of us and part of our everyday culture. We post about everything-daily happenings, our jobs, our kids, our reasons to celebrate and the details of our hardships.

While posting has become a daily part of our lifestyle, information shared on social media can have a downside in divorce and be detrimental to its proceedings.

Proceed with caution

If you’re going through a divorce, it may be tempting to post about every detail-good and bad-to social media, but exercising caution will be more beneficial in the long run. Divorce is complicated enough without creating extra drama, so be thoughtful and reserved about what you post. Your 400 Facebook “friends” may not all be “friends” and there’s also the potential that you share mutual friends with your ex. Venting about your situation might mean unintentionally communicating information with those you might otherwise avoid.

Be smart about what you’re posting and stick to the following:

  • Don’t post anything you’d want the world to know or anything you wouldn’t want to remain online permanently. Social media is just that. Once information is posted, it’s very hard to remove.
  • Don’t announce your split too early and if possible, agree with your ex about a timeline. A thoughtful mutual decision is better than an impulsive one. The race to “post first” is tempting, but resist the inclination if possible.
  • Take the high ground and don’t trash your ex. Many of your social media contacts might just be family. Posting negative comments and making jabs about your ex could create tension, especially if there’s a chance your children might read them. Practice compassion, hard as it may be.
  • Avoid disclosing too much and be careful about the personal details you publicize. Oversharing can be detrimental. What might your potential employer think of what you’ve shared?
  • Don’t jeopardize your settlements by posting about your new purchases or late-night partying. Attorneys will use online evidence to help their cases, so what’s posted on social media could hurt you. Too much information can backfire.

Choosing the high road will ultimately have the best outcome. As hard as it may be, flying under the radar on social media for a while will be more beneficial for you and your proceedings in the long run.



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